Our pets fill many roles in our life – they are a smiling face waiting when we get home from work, the motivation to go out for a walk, an ear that always has time to listen. The loss of a pet can leave an empty space in our hearts and lives. Many pet owners feel grief and sadness just as strongly as if they had lost a human best friend, child or sibling. Unfortunately, the death of a pet may not result in the same level of support and sympathy from other people. There are, however, resources and groups dedicated to helping pet owners cope with the sadness of losing a pet. A pet caregiver support group called Day By Day offers monthly support circles at area veterinary hospitals. They provide services for owners of aging pets as well as pet loss. www.daybydaypetsupport.com
An excellent website for grieving pet owners is The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement.
These are links to just a few of the available hotlines
Pet Grief Counseling by phone
Tufts University Pet Loss
Cornell University Pet Loss
PennVet Grief Support